Saturday, 7 January 2017

Shady Meds!!!!

Wetin dey worry our people?? Haba!!!!

The year is just 7 days old and the material I have for this series is ah-may-zing!!! Is that how trifle we are?!!

You are a TTC couple. Then, you, the woman, allow someone to poke around your body without your consent in a less than sterile environment where you notice the many unethical sharp practices going on and you still stay.
The same 'doctor' tells you he found a fibroid without a scan and you believed him. He did not conduct any relevant tests and you believed him too. Then the clincher. He gives you a cocktail of medications plus the herbal ones which you ignore every defined commonsensical thought and accept.

Tell me why you won't get sick?!!

There are mistakes one should never make in this age of knowledge which can be freely obtained from knowledgeable sources-online and offline. Don't just accept stuff without questions!!!

I say it now and I will keep saying it. Verify everything you are told by any doctor. If it seems off, it probably is because of the abundant quackery and sharp practice in the health sector.

When you are like this couple that are TTC, please, see a qualified Fertility specialist. There are a few certified ones. They don't come cheap but they get the job done. And Facebook posts do not qualify as a doctor's visit!! If you are told you have a fibroid, it is not a death sentence. See a qualified gynaecologist for proper consultation and treatment. More often than not, you don't need treatment for fibroid unless it poses a big problem to you. Besides, you can only see a fibroid during a scan of the abdomen, not by looking at fine face!! Be guided.

Also, learn about any medication you are given. And note any side effects so you can report back to the doctor and the treatment regimen can be reviewed. Never ever take anything at face value with regards to your health. You are not a house planted on a spot. You have a brain and a smart phone access. Use them!!

Organ failure is a major complication of drug misuse. People have even died from reactions to medications prescribed for them without any thought to side effects and other issues. Then, why would someone prescribe medications for you without you doing due diligence? You sure need a shrink.

Remain healthy and wise, my people.

Till next post...

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