Tuesday, 28 January 2014

After Hours Drama...

I thought going to work with Kaira was hard but it turns out scheduling my after work hours was more difficult especially with DH out of town for a while. I had a pile of laundry, hers and mine, eyeing me in the basket. (Really need to install that washing machine o). Plus, the house needed cleaning from all the dust. My sleep routine had gone to the dogs so I was cruising on less than the required sleep time. My to do list for the weekend was long as it is and given the fact that I worked mondays through saturdays, I was left with only a fraction of the weekend and I was playing catch up with the home front.
Well, this saturday was no different. We had gone to the office as usual and I was mentally trying to figure out how to schedule the housework and still catch some shut eye with as little Kaira drama as possible. So far, the day had started well so I had hope. We were to leave by 1pm for home so when she was still cooing and playing by 12noon, I became desperate. Na wa o! I needed her to sleep and as she was a deep sleeper, she would still be sleeping while I made an appreciable dent on the housework before she woke up. My mind working fast, I tried to force her to nurse. Maybe that would help her sleep but for where? She seemed to have her own parallel agenda that day. Hmmmm. I see. Well, you know what they say about cunny man. I must do my chores today o.
Resolve made, I called a cab to come pick us and while we waited for the cab, I decided on a course of action. I would place her in her cot and quickly do my chores and pick her. That will be after she must have had a loong feed. That way, I figured she will be happy and coo at me while I worked. On our way home, she kept up a steady babble and I responded wearily. Omo, to be mummy no easy o. I really needed sleep but housework must be done. Anyway sha,  when we reach house...
Once we got home, I attempted one sharp move. I placed her in her cot and tried to dash into the bathroom to get a head start on the washing but she caught on because she stopped babbling all of a sudden and started whimpering. I quickly dumped all the clothing I had in my hand into the tub of water and ran back to coo at her. She smile at me and went back to her babbling. Na so I wan take do this work today? And I never sabi back pikin.
Well, I decided something had to give. I either start this work and finish it today or give in to Kaira's wahala. One look at the pile of clothes and I made my decision. I started with the bathroom. At least I would be quick, I thought. But I thought wrong. Very wrong. Because she saw I had moved again and started crying. Low volume cries at first. I ignored her but my hands flew with urgency at my chore. She kicked up the volume a notch and I worked faster, all the while talking to her softly until she went into full shouting mode. This geh! Haba!
I quickly  rinsed out my hands and rushed to pick her. She had reached the wailing, shuddering point by now so I tried to get her to calm down. She stopped wailing but was still complaining in baby language and I almost broke down in tears of my own frustration. Kaira cooperate na!, I pleaded. When we were still doing this 5 minutes later, I made another desperate move. Time was going and I still had to cook. I got her to stop completely and started to nurse her again. This time, she drowsily accepted and I sighed my thanks to heaven. See me bargaining with God that day. Please, Father, I just need this girl to sleep for like 3 hours so I could finish what I was doing.
He did more because she fell asleep and I was able to wash, cook and clean and even catch some beauty sleep.
Whew, what a day!

Lessons well taught, Lessons well learnt...

Uwa a bu mahadum, biko muta ihe.- Igbo proverb
The above quote simply means, "This life is a college. Please learn something". Since I started this journey, it's been one lesson or the other. I have learnt that, contrary to expectations, two tiny fists can fit into one equally tiny mouth (who else but a baby can do that?). I have also learnt that, I must be gifted in baby speak if I must get ahead and also holding long, audible conversations only you understand is not boring. And you thought babies weren't teachers?
Well, the biggest lesson was the one she taught me yesterday while we were at work. For some weird reason, it decided to rain in the middle of January. I don't mean the drizzle-to-keep-the-dust-down kind of rain but the all out lightening flashing, thunder booming kind. And, boy, was it heavy?
I had taken the umpteenth break from work to nurse Kaira but she was chatty so we started our conversation while the rain pelted every surface outside (please do not ask. I do not even know what we were talking about). Suddenly, it happened. The booming sound of the crashing thunder. She jumped in my arms and stopped chatting, fear written all over her face and I held her closer to comfort her. Then, another. And yet another crash. All the while she kept jumping despite my cooing in her ear that I got her. When she jumped yet again on hearing the sound, I couldn't help but ask her, "Honey, why are you scared? Mummy's got you". She no answer me but that was when she eloquently taught me a lesson without words.
Many a time, life crashes like thunder all around us and we get so jumpy and afraid that we forget how strong God is. (Forgive me for being preachy). He holds us in His capable hands and asks us to trust and believe that He's got it all figured out but we still jump and fear. We need to remember the power He has given us and also remember that it is alright not to have all the answers. We are made weak so His strength is made manifest. Profound lesson learnt.
So I forgave my dearest Kaira for being scared while mummy had her safe because I also make the same mistake and I should know better. It may not be easy living without having all the answers but I know God has got my back. He'll never let me down because He set me on this journey and has the master plan.
So when next there is a thunderstorm (issues, that is), I know who to go to. And I am super confident I'll get my answers and bearings right.

Now, that's faith...

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Mum's the word (Working mum, that is...)

So work resumed for me after a 3 month long mat leave absence (which, to me, is not nearly enough) and here I was, on my bed, waking in fits and starts because dearest madam, my daughter, has decided to wake every 10 minutes for reasons I do not know. I so was not looking forward to this work thing because I was tired inside out but how I for do na? Baby food no go buy himsef!
So with that pep talk done, I mentally woke myself before my two fat legs cooperated with me and left the bed. Luckily, madam was still catching some zzzs. One glance at the clock and it was 6:30am. Not bad! The cab guy was to pick us at half 8. In case you are wondering, I no get nanny. Not from lack of trying though. Also, the horror stories of nannies who abducted and sold their charges plus other horrors no gree me so I jejely made up my mind to take my little tot to work till she was old enough for creche. I no fit shout.
Anyway, back to my story. I gingerly made my way to the bathroom and had my shower. I was still towelling off when I heard the beginnings of a whimper coming from the direction of the cot. Haba! This gal no wan gimme space? I gritted my teeth and willed her back to sleep so I could have more time to myself and, pronto! It worked! She went back to sleep! Good girl!
I happy small. At least, I could rummage for what to wear. Months of incubating and delivering and nursing had taken it's toll so nothing fit. Damn! Not today, I swore. Not now, not ever! Lucky enough, I was able to locate something that fit so I happy again. Another quick check at the time and it was 7am! Chei! Where was time flying to?! As if on cue, my gal just opened her eyes and stared directly at me as if to ask, "Sup, mum?". I took that as a sign that the heavens were cooperating with me and quickly bathed and clothed her in record time. You go fear my multitasking skills! Na so the babe just start to dey fret o! I groaned inwardly. See me, see gobe o! Did this child expect me to feed her now I was clothed? That did not help my situation at all. She wanted what she wanted and wanted it right away. And it was a quarter past 7 already.
I obeyed her na. I get choice? But I was watching the clock like a hawk because I must get some food in before 8 am. Anyway, once she took a break, I carried her out and into the waiting arms of her grandma who was around and that was when the real drama started. Kaira started wailing. Pitiful wails that could rend your soul. Dem pacify this chick, for where? For her mind, mumsie don leave am waka without filling her tummy and she was having none of it. Hmm. Ok na. Two can play. How can I start work with a lateness record? This gal, you don fail! I kuku ignored her and quickly downed my breakfast and went to pick her. It was quarter past 8 and the cab guy had come. I hustled us into the cab, all the while promising her she would nurse on the 15 minute ride to the office. That seemed to calm her so she stopped crying. Round one.
I made good on my promise and on the way, I kept asking myself how I was going to cope at the office with a crying baby but who I wan leave am for before? We made it to the office twenty minutes later (because of traffic o) without drama and I heaved a sigh of relief. Everyone was happy to see us and naturally, wanted to carry her (can u blame them? She's that adorable, jo!). That was mistake number two. Because she jejely scrunched her face well well and let loose this piercing wail that surprised even me. And she didn't stop. Ha! See gbege! Initially, I pointedly ignore her because I had to reply my mails and inform HR I was back to work but when she was still wailing some minutes later, I know say I don buy market. So, here I was, back at work, a screaming baby in tow, what to do? I did what every mum would do. Multitask! So in between typing a mail with one hand and bouncing a much distressed Kaira with the other, all the while giving instructions to my team members and holding my first management meeting of the year, I got the job done.
She calmed down an hour and a full tummy later and dropped off to sleep and I heaved a waery sigh. Round two... This my resumption was going to be interesting, I concluded.
And someone called women weak. If I hear...