Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Lessons well taught, Lessons well learnt...

Uwa a bu mahadum, biko muta ihe.- Igbo proverb
The above quote simply means, "This life is a college. Please learn something". Since I started this journey, it's been one lesson or the other. I have learnt that, contrary to expectations, two tiny fists can fit into one equally tiny mouth (who else but a baby can do that?). I have also learnt that, I must be gifted in baby speak if I must get ahead and also holding long, audible conversations only you understand is not boring. And you thought babies weren't teachers?
Well, the biggest lesson was the one she taught me yesterday while we were at work. For some weird reason, it decided to rain in the middle of January. I don't mean the drizzle-to-keep-the-dust-down kind of rain but the all out lightening flashing, thunder booming kind. And, boy, was it heavy?
I had taken the umpteenth break from work to nurse Kaira but she was chatty so we started our conversation while the rain pelted every surface outside (please do not ask. I do not even know what we were talking about). Suddenly, it happened. The booming sound of the crashing thunder. She jumped in my arms and stopped chatting, fear written all over her face and I held her closer to comfort her. Then, another. And yet another crash. All the while she kept jumping despite my cooing in her ear that I got her. When she jumped yet again on hearing the sound, I couldn't help but ask her, "Honey, why are you scared? Mummy's got you". She no answer me but that was when she eloquently taught me a lesson without words.
Many a time, life crashes like thunder all around us and we get so jumpy and afraid that we forget how strong God is. (Forgive me for being preachy). He holds us in His capable hands and asks us to trust and believe that He's got it all figured out but we still jump and fear. We need to remember the power He has given us and also remember that it is alright not to have all the answers. We are made weak so His strength is made manifest. Profound lesson learnt.
So I forgave my dearest Kaira for being scared while mummy had her safe because I also make the same mistake and I should know better. It may not be easy living without having all the answers but I know God has got my back. He'll never let me down because He set me on this journey and has the master plan.
So when next there is a thunderstorm (issues, that is), I know who to go to. And I am super confident I'll get my answers and bearings right.

Now, that's faith...


  1. What a lesson! Good to know u grabbed something from that experience. Imma listen more to bambino. I'm sure I'll grab a thing or two from him. Keep them coming dear. Kisses to tutor Kaira.

  2. This is profound. Learning faith from a child. There's no situation so minor or trivial that it cannot teach us a thing or two about life.

  3. You are so right, Walt. But na wetin we carry the lesson do wey matter pass..
