Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Mum's the word (Working mum, that is...)

So work resumed for me after a 3 month long mat leave absence (which, to me, is not nearly enough) and here I was, on my bed, waking in fits and starts because dearest madam, my daughter, has decided to wake every 10 minutes for reasons I do not know. I so was not looking forward to this work thing because I was tired inside out but how I for do na? Baby food no go buy himsef!
So with that pep talk done, I mentally woke myself before my two fat legs cooperated with me and left the bed. Luckily, madam was still catching some zzzs. One glance at the clock and it was 6:30am. Not bad! The cab guy was to pick us at half 8. In case you are wondering, I no get nanny. Not from lack of trying though. Also, the horror stories of nannies who abducted and sold their charges plus other horrors no gree me so I jejely made up my mind to take my little tot to work till she was old enough for creche. I no fit shout.
Anyway, back to my story. I gingerly made my way to the bathroom and had my shower. I was still towelling off when I heard the beginnings of a whimper coming from the direction of the cot. Haba! This gal no wan gimme space? I gritted my teeth and willed her back to sleep so I could have more time to myself and, pronto! It worked! She went back to sleep! Good girl!
I happy small. At least, I could rummage for what to wear. Months of incubating and delivering and nursing had taken it's toll so nothing fit. Damn! Not today, I swore. Not now, not ever! Lucky enough, I was able to locate something that fit so I happy again. Another quick check at the time and it was 7am! Chei! Where was time flying to?! As if on cue, my gal just opened her eyes and stared directly at me as if to ask, "Sup, mum?". I took that as a sign that the heavens were cooperating with me and quickly bathed and clothed her in record time. You go fear my multitasking skills! Na so the babe just start to dey fret o! I groaned inwardly. See me, see gobe o! Did this child expect me to feed her now I was clothed? That did not help my situation at all. She wanted what she wanted and wanted it right away. And it was a quarter past 7 already.
I obeyed her na. I get choice? But I was watching the clock like a hawk because I must get some food in before 8 am. Anyway, once she took a break, I carried her out and into the waiting arms of her grandma who was around and that was when the real drama started. Kaira started wailing. Pitiful wails that could rend your soul. Dem pacify this chick, for where? For her mind, mumsie don leave am waka without filling her tummy and she was having none of it. Hmm. Ok na. Two can play. How can I start work with a lateness record? This gal, you don fail! I kuku ignored her and quickly downed my breakfast and went to pick her. It was quarter past 8 and the cab guy had come. I hustled us into the cab, all the while promising her she would nurse on the 15 minute ride to the office. That seemed to calm her so she stopped crying. Round one.
I made good on my promise and on the way, I kept asking myself how I was going to cope at the office with a crying baby but who I wan leave am for before? We made it to the office twenty minutes later (because of traffic o) without drama and I heaved a sigh of relief. Everyone was happy to see us and naturally, wanted to carry her (can u blame them? She's that adorable, jo!). That was mistake number two. Because she jejely scrunched her face well well and let loose this piercing wail that surprised even me. And she didn't stop. Ha! See gbege! Initially, I pointedly ignore her because I had to reply my mails and inform HR I was back to work but when she was still wailing some minutes later, I know say I don buy market. So, here I was, back at work, a screaming baby in tow, what to do? I did what every mum would do. Multitask! So in between typing a mail with one hand and bouncing a much distressed Kaira with the other, all the while giving instructions to my team members and holding my first management meeting of the year, I got the job done.
She calmed down an hour and a full tummy later and dropped off to sleep and I heaved a waery sigh. Round two... This my resumption was going to be interesting, I concluded.
And someone called women weak. If I hear...


  1. Hahahahahaa! I swear, if this narrative doesn't convince skeptics of the superhuman strength of mothers, nothing will.

  2. Awww. Thanks Walt! That chick showed me shege but I wouldn't trade it for all the world.

  3. Kaira wants undiluted attention. Can you blame her? Jisie ike dear.

  4. My dear I know o... Oh! The joys of motherhood!

  5. Have never, for a second, had any doubts about the strength of a woman. Mother hood is just a tip of the iceberg. You doubt it? Go ahead and ask Shaggy. He'll fill you in.

  6. Omg!can totally relate.My Chikaima,Kaima for short turned 6weeks ysterday was hecticccc with immunization shots n fever!sleepless night!Am resuming on feb 17th(i got 43days mat leave instead of d usual 60days cos I already took sm days off last sooo nt looking forward to d resumption drama ooh..lmao@"let loose a peircing wail dat surprised u".My Lil girl can scream for Africa eh!!no be here ooh.choi!tales of motherhood..tnx Walter n Chidinma.u sure made my morning!

  7. Iphie, my sister, I can totally relate to the crying for Africa episode. Now, she cries in increasing decibels....

  8. Sigh- I can identify with all that. I have two kids so I went through it all. I tell you, I was absolutely shocked with my firstborn because I had NO IDEA a human being could survive on so little sleep and so much wailing! :-D
    And sometimes, no matter how good their intentions, the daddies aren't much help because they are just as bewildered. I admire your resolute strength in taking her to work. That must have been a serious challenge.

    Well, God will grant you grace as He grants mothers all around. Take care!

  9. wow...mothers are golden. working mums are superhuman. how can we, the daddies help? we don't want to miss out on all the drama

  10. @Sifa, it really is very challenging. Thanks for the good wishes. Hope to get Heart Of The King in print soon. Awesome story.
    @topazo, hmmmmm. Unless, you can volunteer and babysit while we work, I really don't know. Just remain supportive. And carry baby sometimes. It does help a little.
